Expertcity's DesktopStreaming™ Technology Utilized by Microsoft Great Plains   SANTA BARBARA, CA
March 25, 2002
Live, Web-Based Remote Assistance and Support to Be Provided to Customers and Value-Added Resellers
Expertcity, Inc., the leading provider of Web-based remote-access and customer-support technologies, announced today that Microsoft® Great Plains® Business Solutions, a leading provider of business applications for small and mid-size businesses, has licensed Expertcity's DesktopStreaming™ technology to provide Web-based support to its value-added reselling partners and customers.
DesktopStreaming allows Microsoft Great Plains to support its partners and customers remotely, in real time, via the Web. Microsoft Great Plains' support engineers can now leverage Web-based tools, including chat, file transfer and complete desktop sharing with mutual mouse and keyboard control. The technology allows Microsoft Great Plains representatives to resolve problems directly on the end user's computer, making the support process more efficient and effective for both parties.
"With Chat and ScreenSharing, our partners and customers receive a premium level of support," said Tom Ableidinger, general manager of support services at Microsoft Great Plains. "DesktopStreaming has enhanced the quality of the support experience and increased the number of first-call resolutions while decreasing the average length of our most complex support incidents."
In addition to the support licensing agreement, Microsoft Great Plains has entered into a co-marketing partnership with Expertcity. Through the partnership, Microsoft Great Plains is promoting and marketing DesktopStreaming to its reselling partners for their use as a premium-level sales acquisition tool, to conduct remote sales demos and training.
"By making DesktopStreaming available to its partners, Microsoft Great Plains is demonstrating its commitment to these highly valued relationships. DesktopStreaming will assist partners in acquiring customers and will enable them to effectively perform remote training and installations," noted Chuck Massanari, vice president of sales and professional services at Expertcity. "The clientele that Microsoft Great Plains serves is a perfect fit for our unique, high-touch technology."
DesktopStreaming is delivered on an application service provider (ASP) basis, eliminating the need for Microsoft Great Plains to purchase hardware or expend any personnel resources to install the combined Microsoft Great Plains/DesktopStreaming solution. In addition, DesktopStreaming uses an ultra thin client, which is launched from Microsoft Great Plains' Web site and downloads in seconds. As such, reselling partners and customers can utilize the technology with any PC connected to the Internet.
About Expertcity
Expertcity, Inc. is the leading provider of Web-based remote-access and customer-support technologies. The company's award-winning screen-sharing technology enables users to view and control a remote computer via the Web, thus enabling enterprise-critical functions such as internal and external Web-based technical support; online sales and customer service; and remote access.
The company has received numerous awards, including Editors' Choice awards from CNET and Fortune magazines, a Top 100 Site from PC Magazine, a Category Breaker award from Network World and a Top 100 Site from Yahoo! Internet Life.
Founded in 1997, Expertcity is on the fast track, with rapidly expanding deployment at more than 650 companies and universities. Customers range from small and medium-size businesses to Fortune 100 leaders, and include Sun Microsystems, Intuit, Bertelsmann, Cox Communications, Cablevision, Microsoft Great Plains, Siemens, Nortel Networks, Colgate-Palmolive, Honeywell, Thermo Electron, Gateway, TIAA-Cref, Fleet Boston Financial, Ball Corporation, eSylvan, Harcourt-Brace and others.
Investors include Sun Microsystems, CNET Networks, Bertelsmann Ventures and SoundView Ventures. Headquarters are located in Santa Barbara, California., Expertcity, GoToMyPC,, and DesktopStreaming are trademarks of Expertcity, Inc. Other product and company names may be trademarks, registered trademarks or service marks of their respective owners.
Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp. in the United States and/or other countries.
Great Plains is a registered trademark of Great Plains Software Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Great Plains Software is a wholly owned subsidiary of Microsoft Corp.
The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.

Laura McCormick
Citrix Systems, Inc.
Phone: (805) 690-6435
Fax: (805) 690-6436
Heidi Wieland
Citrix Systems, Inc.
Phone: (805) 690-6481
Fax: (805) 690-6436